如果你看到移民和海关执法局(ICE)在行动, suspect ICE activity in progress, 或者你被拘留了,或者你认识的人被ICE拘留了, 致电ACILEP寻求快速反应和移民BG大游服务(510)241-4011.

Alameda County Immigration Legal & 教育伙伴关系(ACILEP)是la RazaBG大游集团的一个伙伴关系, Alameda County Public Defender’s Office, and eight community based organizations:


如果你必须在家里与移民和海关执法局(ICE)或其他执法人员打交道, on the street, or anywhere else, remember that you have rights.

Video (ES)

You have the right to remain silent. You may refuse to speak to immigration officers.

  • Don’t answer any questions. You may also say that you want to remain silent.
  • 不要说任何BG大游你出生在哪里或你是如何进入美国的.S.


  • The card 解释说你将保持沉默并希望与律师交谈.

Do not open your door.

  • 为了进入你的家,移民和海关执法局必须有法官签署的搜查令. Do not open your door unless an ICE agent shows you a warrant. (They almost never have one.) If an ICE agent wants to show you a warrant, they can hold it against a window or slide it under the door. 为了有效,搜查令上必须有你的正确姓名和地址.
  • You do not need to open the door to talk with an ICE agent. 一旦你打开了门,就很难拒绝回答问题.

You have the right to speak to a lawyer.

  • You can simply say, “I need to speak to my attorney.”

Before you sign anything, talk to a lawyer.

  • 移民局可能会试图让你签字放弃见律师或法官的权利. 在你签署文件之前,一定要明白它到底说了些什么.

Always carry with you any valid immigration document you have.

  • For example, if you have a valid work permit or green card, 请务必随身携带,以防需要出示证件以证明身份.
  • 不要随身携带其他国家的文件,比如外国护照. 这些文件可能会在驱逐过程中对你不利.


  • If you are the parent or primary caregiver of a U.S. 如果你是18岁以下的美国公民或永久居民,移民局可能会“行使自由裁量权”,让你离开.

Because Donald Trump has made many anti-immigrant statements, 移民和海关执法局和其他执法人员可能认为他们可以在侵犯你的权利后逍遥法外. 有时,移民和海关执法局的官员会对人们撒谎,以便让他们开门或签字放弃他们的权利. 如果ICE拘留了你,或者你担心他们会在你所在的地区进行突袭, this is what you can do:

Create a safety plan.

  • Memorize the phone number of a friend, family member, or attorney that you can call if you are arrested.
  • If you take care of children or other people, make a plan to have them taken care of if you are detained.
  • 把重要的文件,如出生证明和移民文件放在一个安全的地方,如果有必要,朋友或家人可以拿得到.
  • 如果你被移民和海关执法局拘留,请确保你的亲人知道如何找到你. They can use ICE’s online detainee locator to find an adult who is in immigration custody. Or they can call the local ICE office. 确保他们把你的外国人登记号码写下来,如果你有的话.
  • 您可以24小时拨打移民审查执行办公室(EOIR)热线电话240314-1500或1-800-898-7180(免费电话), 7 days a week to get information on your case’s status.

ACILEP为阿拉米达居民和家庭的BG大游需求提供快速响应,这些居民和家庭面临即将被驱逐出境或其他不利行动,这些行动是由于移民执法活动(如家庭突袭)造成的, workplaces, schools, and neighborhoods.

移民需要有经验和合格的律师来对抗目前激增的驱逐和拘留. In addition, 同时,我们需要资源来建立一个有意义的快速反应网络,以确保社区了解他们的权利,并在他们被移民和海关执法局拘留后立即获得律师的帮助.

A report by the Stanford Law School Immigrants’ Rights Clinic, 代表北加州移民司法合作组织(NCCIJ)解释了湾区对驱逐辩护律师的迫切需求. The report found that over:

Had been gainfully employed prior to their detention

研究表明,这些(通常)主要养家糊口的人离开家庭,将家庭推向贫困和无家可归的边缘, and can leave U.S. citizen children without parents to care for them. Public health insurance programs, foster care services, 其他城市和县的社会援助项目也因此受到成本增加的影响.

除了因拘留而失去家庭成员的有害经济影响之外, 研究发现,父母被拘留并面临驱逐威胁的儿童表现出严重的消极行为和情感创伤. As such, 不仅是家庭和当地社区经历经济困难, 当家庭成员被拘留和/或驱逐出境时,他们还会忍受心理上的动荡.

The Impact

Children live with one or more foreign-born parent


除了严重的心理影响抑郁和焦虑, inability to focus in or attend school, children also see an increased risk of self-harm. 奥克兰联合学区(OUSD)的学生人数约为 11,000 Oakland students are English language learners, which is 30% of the entire student population. 超过8000名英语学习者出生在美国.S., 表明其家庭成员中有一个或多个是外国出生的,并且学生来自混合家庭. At present, 5,066 OUSD students are foreign-born, from countries that include: 

  • Afghanistan
  • Burma
  • China
  • El Salvador
  • Eritrea
  • Ethiopia
  • Guatemala
  • Honduras
  • Mexico
  • Mongolia
  • Nepal
  • Philippines
  • Vietnam
  • Yemen


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